Olivia Fermi MA, RTC

Counsellor, Coach, Constellations Facilitator
Registered Therapeutic Counsellor in BC #1072, Integrity Skills Coach, Teacher, and Constellations Facilitator. Master of Arts in Applied Behavioral Science, Certificate in Interest-Based Negotiation & Mediation (JIBC), Full Member Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis (BC Div), senior student of the Diamond Approach, an inquiry based path to spiritual maturation in the world.

We each have the inherent right and capacity to express our identities, our creativity and sexuality in unique ways that may fall inside, outside or across current cultural norms. As someone committed to her own psychological, spiritual and sexual development, I fully support you in developing and enhancing all aspects of your emotional, intellectual, social, sexual and spiritual identity. My training and experience includes how to integrate emotional, spiritual and sexual dimensions of ourselves, depth psychology, family and human systems, generative trance, breath work, mindfulness and a familiarity with a broad range of special challenges you may be encountering as someone enjoying or exploring polyamory and alternate/queer sexuality and lifestyles. I believe these kinds of explorations into alternative lifestyles contribute to cultural and social richness to our world.

I was on the Practicing Polyamory podcast (August 2021) as a guest, coaching host James Sias on creating diversity and inclusivity in community. https://fermi.ca/fostering-diversity-and-inclusivity/

Serving adults of all ages, issues with ethical non-monogamy including polyamory and relationship anarchy, relationship issues, healthy boundaries, healing trauma, abuse, anxiety and depression, and ancestral lineage healing. Offering 1/2 hour free phone consultation to see if we would be a good fit. Online via Zoom.


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