Yvette Forte Rosedale

Somatic Psychotherapist and Sex Therapist
Master of Arts, Counseling Psychology, Somatic Psychology emphasis, California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of California at San Diego. Registered Associate MFT #118361. Supervised by Ludmila Cantamissa, LMFT #37803.

I am a trauma-informed, somatic psychotherapist with focused experience and training working with sex and sexuality and polyamory and consensual non-monogamy.

In my practice, I am open-minded, compassionate, and non-judgmental with an ability to make people feel safe, understood, and accepted. I will invite you to bring all of the parts of yourself–nothing is off-limits and nothing shocks me, yet I won’t pry. I will follow your lead and strive to create a space rooted in trust, where you feel safe and supported in exploring your experiences and your inner world.


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