Tracey Stafford

Clinical Counselor/Therapist: AMFT, LPCC - (at growURpotential)
Masters of Science, Masters of Art, California Prelicensed: AMFT #131547; supervisor: Maxine Hughes, LMFT #93757

Are you struggling with feeling connected to yourself and others, having difficulty communicating or sharing your feelings? Is it difficult to relate to those you care most about? I believe skillful awareness leads to lasting change and empowerment. We can find healthy solutions. When we understand each other’s needs, we connect better without much effort. I support couples with methods that create the clear expression of needs and problem-solving techniques that create balance and wellbeing. As a trauma and mindfulness therapist, I support open-relaters in building skills for healthy relating to self and others that elevates confidence and wellbeing.

Therapy increases our capacity to thrive. I deeply value and know everyone holds resiliency and strengths. I know firsthand the benefits of incorporating skillful awareness into our daily lives can amplify these strengths. I am deeply committed to LGBTQIA2S community, nonbinary folx, and communities of color. My work centers on healing justice and restorative care for our community.

Professional specialties and skills: LGBTQIA+, nonmonogamy, couples, communication, conflict management, relationship container building.


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